More Soon

Hello dear reader,

Sorry for the long pause. Since I've been in Germany I've been building up my teaching through SUPERSTRINGS STUDIO, working on my teaching methodology and philosophy of teaching parents to accompany their children, playing professionally in regional orchestras and not spending as much time in Shanghai. 

This is going to change! I do plan to keep on working on my teaching methods, including the GuitarStart series for parents, and in getting the word out that this method is both fun and super effective! But in 2019 we plan to be back in Shanghai for at least three years, so more on that later. I also expect that we'll have a trip or two back to Shanghai this year in search of our new home. :-) Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to say hello, drop me a line, give me advice on using Wechat on a Windows phone, since my wechat service no longer works on my phone :-(  or subscribe. :-) 



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composed by Dennis Ming Nichols