An American returns to Shanghai after visiting Germany
I just returned to Shanghai about 5 days ago after visiting the US and Germany. And I am happily a few pounds heavier after consuming vast quantities of pie, cake, beer, wine, cheeses, bakery delicacies such as apple strudel and Schwabian treats like maultaschen and flammküchen.
For a while Shanghai was actually a little bit comfortable with the breezes from the typhoon but now it's back to feeling like the hell of a humid sauna. I'd like to thank my boss right now for the reminder yesterday that in reality I do not have to spend most of every day exposed to the harsh outdoor elements of this wicked city. I only wish she herself would also get the benefit of running around Shanghai during a hot August day with the odds of winning a race rather low, collecting marketing photos and promo during work hours. Thanks to the universe for sparing members of my team from heat exhaustion although it was a close call. Great bonding experience though.
It has been said that "life is what you make it" and I have to agree. That being said, life is really good and really REALLY kind in this neck of the woods. Perhaps it is easy to say that having been refreshed by the Black Forest, Bodensee, Bleubeuren, Neuschwanstein, Ulm, Weikersheim, Wilhelma, Mosel, Rhein River, Enkirch, Stuttgart, and countless lovely biergartens. Those are kind of like kindergartens for people who enjoy a stein of beer, a radler or other refreshment on a summer evening.
It was a different summer of music as well - a super treat to play in an orchestra when in most summers in recent years I played chamber music in central Washington State. I did play some chamber music for violin and bass, and quartets in Shanghai as well as a chamber concert with the Shanghai Baroque Orchestra. Perhaps that warrants a separate post.
On all accounts I'm counting my blessings. Thanks for reading! It is a gift that anyone besides myself reads my printed meanderings. Have a great weekend. Tschüß!
For a while Shanghai was actually a little bit comfortable with the breezes from the typhoon but now it's back to feeling like the hell of a humid sauna. I'd like to thank my boss right now for the reminder yesterday that in reality I do not have to spend most of every day exposed to the harsh outdoor elements of this wicked city. I only wish she herself would also get the benefit of running around Shanghai during a hot August day with the odds of winning a race rather low, collecting marketing photos and promo during work hours. Thanks to the universe for sparing members of my team from heat exhaustion although it was a close call. Great bonding experience though.
It has been said that "life is what you make it" and I have to agree. That being said, life is really good and really REALLY kind in this neck of the woods. Perhaps it is easy to say that having been refreshed by the Black Forest, Bodensee, Bleubeuren, Neuschwanstein, Ulm, Weikersheim, Wilhelma, Mosel, Rhein River, Enkirch, Stuttgart, and countless lovely biergartens. Those are kind of like kindergartens for people who enjoy a stein of beer, a radler or other refreshment on a summer evening.
It was a different summer of music as well - a super treat to play in an orchestra when in most summers in recent years I played chamber music in central Washington State. I did play some chamber music for violin and bass, and quartets in Shanghai as well as a chamber concert with the Shanghai Baroque Orchestra. Perhaps that warrants a separate post.
On all accounts I'm counting my blessings. Thanks for reading! It is a gift that anyone besides myself reads my printed meanderings. Have a great weekend. Tschüß!