Back on, LIVE!

Holy moly macaroli. The powers that be are pretty fearsome these days in the land of the non-free press. Fortunately there are ways to deal with it and so I hope with all my heart that this fix will last me until I am not a resident in Shanghai any more. If you are living in China and need a way to your beloved sites, just drop me a line and I will give you free advice that works for me and others. Knowledge, now more than ever, is power!

Numbers seem a bit down for enrollment in the school I teach in but that just means a smaller student to teacher ratio and a better deal for those kids. Every day of work in this institution I feel grateful to have a job and that it is an important part of this international community. It's about the first job I have ever been in where I feel all my colleagues are pretty much team players and even have a good working relationship with all my superiors. So despite missing family and friends back home I am very happy. And Skype is a beautiful thing. So is

Summer was a blast and a half although it passed faster than the speed of light. Saturday the good old Aardvark String Quartet managed to perform for two spectacular weddings at two of the most scenic spots in eastern WA: CaveB Inn and Bella Fiori Gardens The spot we played from at CaveB gave us a spectacular view of the mighty Columbia River from the top of the gorge looking over a pond; Bella Fiori was also stunningly well manicured near some lovely fountains. In all it was a wonderful end to a fast and furious summer in my good home state of


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