Dirty Sisters

The wind is blowing the wrong direction today. Gusts or steady, I'm not sure, but 25mph headwind sux while riding bike home. I ventured out to find TianShan Tea City today. I finally found it after being lost for a while, when I asked a man where it was and he pointed me onward. It was nice, but not like the tea mall in Beijing. I was really hoping for the accompanying ceramics pieces but there was not so much of that here on several floors. When I arrived at the 3rd floor and the elevator doors were opening, there was a service worker skipping rope right there in the middle of the shopping hall. She really didn't mind that I needed to get around her either.

Last night 4 other ladies and I had a very successful meet-up to trade stories, compare things to do in Shanghai and basically make friends. The ring leader online calls herself "Dirty Sister" so we decided we are kind of a dirty club. I am dirty older sister. We just put "dirty" in front of each name. LOL We will always talk about dirty topics. This time included riding horses, dogs, pigs, eating pork, eating bugs as in the TV show Fear Factor; even the situation out west. We plan to get together fairly regularly to try new places and see sights we haven't seen. In all it was a blast. Three are from Shanghai and one is from Kunming. Two of them live in my district of Changning.

I spent much of the afternoon on foot. I don't mind parking my bike at the subway stop where I pay to have an attendant keep an eye on things. When I started to feel exhausted after a few hours I found another new mall and today's Easter indulgence became a small Coldstone Creamery treat. I'm listening to a bit of DV yelling from a nearby flat, downstairs I think. The first...so far so good. They can't last forever.


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