
More Soon

Hello dear reader, Sorry for the long pause. Since I've been in Germany I've been building up my teaching through SUPERSTRINGS STUDIO , working on my teaching methodology and philosophy of teaching parents to accompany their children, playing professionally in regional orchestras and not spending as much time in Shanghai.  This is going to change! I do plan to keep on working on my teaching methods, including the GuitarStart series for parents, and in getting the word out that this method is both fun and super effective! But in 2019 we plan to be back in Shanghai for at least three years, so more on that later. I also expect that we'll have a trip or two back to Shanghai this year in search of our new home. :-) Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to say hello, drop me a line, give me advice on using Wechat on a Windows phone, since my wechat service no longer works on my phone :-(  or subscribe. :-)  XX

2015 September

 A few weeks in Shanghai is like six months outside.

Rainy June Day at LAS

Teachers play too: Ms. Irene, Ms. Yolanda and Ms. Bonny

Wildcat Fray 2013

Contestants at our first ever "Wildcat Fray" at the Livingston American School Bazaar on Sunday, May 19, 2013. For the album, click here: Congratulations to Seina and Sherley, for winning first place! Congratulations to Chilli Cheese Fries Band for winning second place! And congratulations to Koki for winning third place! 

Food Faces 1.0

Food faces. Yes, I play with my food. Face today! I am still eating the coconut, by the way. Great snacks!

January 21, 2013

Happy New Year! Holidays continue with the Lunar New Year coming February 10th. Currently school is back in session until Feb. 8th, and then we will have nine days off. Pollution levels today in Shanghai = unhealthy. There was a PM reading of 173 at 6 a.m. on Huaihai Road which means that disease-causing particles are most likely getting lodged in the lungs of most of the population. Children and elderly are advised to remain inside and avoid exercise outdoors. At least the reading is not "Very Unhealthy" or "Hazardous" today. Nonetheless I wear a mask while riding my bike. And I wonder what the reading would be out on this side of the city, further west and closer to factories. What is the air quality index of your city? I see it is also bad in Utah today. Sometime I would like to see this festival with my own eyes, in Xinjiang or Thailand. People fly sky lanterns, also known as Kongming lanterns, at the Ayding Lake area in the Turpan basin in the Xinjiang ...
The holiday season has begun. From Shanghai, the shopping hit a massive high on 11-11-12 which in Asia is singles day, and the biggest online retailer "taobao" did billions in sales that day.  As an antidote to some of the consumerism we are constantly bombarded with I am giving you the link to my friend Anna's website for cooking healthy Chinese food. She, as many, are aware, that there is a lot of oil used in common Chinese fried wok foods and she is working hard to help people learn better, more healthful ways of cooking. When dad was fighting his cancer I turned to her site for inspiration. It turns out we live in the same district of Shanghai so we got together a few weeks back and ate with some friends at a vegetarian restaurant.   <a href=>Use these Healthy Chinese Recipes to Improve yourself and your families' Health</a> On a personal note, I was fortunate to enjoy some roast turkey in my scho...