
Showing posts from November, 2012
The holiday season has begun. From Shanghai, the shopping hit a massive high on 11-11-12 which in Asia is singles day, and the biggest online retailer "taobao" did billions in sales that day.  As an antidote to some of the consumerism we are constantly bombarded with I am giving you the link to my friend Anna's website for cooking healthy Chinese food. She, as many, are aware, that there is a lot of oil used in common Chinese fried wok foods and she is working hard to help people learn better, more healthful ways of cooking. When dad was fighting his cancer I turned to her site for inspiration. It turns out we live in the same district of Shanghai so we got together a few weeks back and ate with some friends at a vegetarian restaurant.   <a href=>Use these Healthy Chinese Recipes to Improve yourself and your families' Health</a> On a personal note, I was fortunate to enjoy some roast turkey in my scho...